Раздачи :: Другое - Игры :: Age of Wonders: Planetfall (Deluxe Edition) (+ 6 DLC) / x64 / RU / Strategy / 2019 / RePack (SpaceX) / PC (Windows) :: Комментарии
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Комментарии ( Комментировать )
11 ноября 2020 в 09:32 | Ответить
Торрент файл и раздающие заменены.
Версия игры обновлена до 1.400 build 43638.
2 сентября 2020 в 23:09 | Ответить
Торрент-файл и раздающий заменены. Игра обновлена до версии 1.315 (40740)-1.303.43249
1 июля 2020 в 13:34 | Ответить
Игра обновлена до версии (39228)
17 июня 2020 в 21:47 | Ответить
вот что делать если игра на 131 ходу крашится?
5 июня 2020 в 16:03 | Ответить
Игра обновлена до версии (38246)
5 января 2020 в 11:59 | Ответить
Графика расстроила, даже на ультре - это прошлый век.
6 сентября 2019 в 00:18 | Ответить
06.09.2019 г. | Игра обновлена до версии - 1.006.37190
19 августа 2019 в 14:54 | Ответить
помогло, спасибо!
agrandПопробуйте создать в C:Users<имя пользователя>Documents>Paradox Interactive>Age of Wonders Planetfall две папки: Сache и Config. Мне помогло.
19 августа 2019 в 12:51 | Ответить
Поторопился я с радостью. Вторая миссия у насекомых, во время перехода хода критическое зависание на событии у ИИ (битва, зацикленное сообщение об ее окончании). Вот такие вот патчи...
16 августа 2019 в 21:51 | Ответить
Перекачал. Спасибо! Основное важное исправление, на мой взгляд, это ускорение хода ИИ.
11 августа 2019 в 22:14 | Ответить
Попробуйте создать в C:Users<имя пользователя>Documents>Paradox Interactive>Age of Wonders Planetfall две папки: Сache и Config. Мне помогло.
Talovikovне переключается на русский
10 августа 2019 в 02:59 | Ответить
Обновлено 10.08.2019 г. | Обновлено до v 1.004.36544 | Кто ранее скачал перехешируйтесь. Заменен архив data1.bin.
Update v1.004:
Significantly reduced waiting times between turns late game
Added edge scrolling; disabled by default (setting can be found in the Controls options)
Added a button to randomize the commander names in commander customization
Added an option to ‘Force Fast Combat Animations’ in the Options Combat UI menu.
Changing the language of the launcher now automatically updates the language setting for the game.
Fixed startup hang when the installation folder contains non-ansi characters; this affected some of our Chinese, Japanese and Rusian players.
Other general stability improvements; including some of the most commonly reported crashes.
Various text fixes in multiple languages
Improved various Imperial Archives entries to provide additional and clearer information.
Fixed that Steam invites to a password protected lobby would fail and show an “incorrect password” message.
Renamed the invert combat camera rotation/zoom settings to X/Y axis. These 2 settings now support the mouse rotation in combat.
Fixed a problem that under rare circumstances the “Find the Propovus Lab” quest in the second Kir’Ko mission (Xa’Kir’Ko) could not be completed. Players that ran into the problem will need to re-enter the “Propovus” Xenoplague Labs sector with one of their armies to complete the quest.
Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck in looping story messages after meeting the Psi-Fish in the first Kir’Ko mission (Arcadia Caeleste).
Fixed an issue where the player could not complete a quest to ally Chin Til’Trz in the second Vanguard mission, if he already allied Chin Til’Trz before receiving the quest. Affected players need to wait for a new turn for the quest to complete.
Added icons to operations on the Research screen to clearly show whether they are tactical, strategic or doctrine operations.
Fixed an issue where the AI would sometimes offer peace and make war at the same time with players who are in the run for multiple victory conditions at the same time.
Removed a line of text from the message that appears when a call to war is declined; to make the message clearer.
Fixed a crash when the AI tried to denounce a player without having any Casus Belli to denounce with.
Fixed that locating a sector that is being demanded by an NPC faction would close the demand screen.
Fixed that the player could not declare war on an NPC faction while being in an Integrated (Highest) relation state with them.
Fixed that the Hasher SMG hero weapon was missing particles and sounds when being fired.
Sectors are no longer tradeable if they are annexed to a colony that is occupied.
Trade analysis text has been changed to the following format “Trade analysis: good deal for you” to help clarify that this analysis is targeted at the player and is not something the (AI) player on screen is saying.
Fixed crash in tactical combat when switching to nearby units while another unit is destroying an obstacle.
Now you no longer receive race relation penalties at the start of a Fixed Teams session due to starting wars, to prevent negative relations from the start. Note: This only applies to newly created scenarios.
Completing the last item in a city production queue now keeps the remaining production, rather than wasting it.
8 августа 2019 в 10:39 | Ответить
Я ее так долго ждал, что могу и еще немного подождать. Пусть хоть пару недель патчями обрастет.
7 августа 2019 в 21:32 | Ответить
Обновлено 08.08.2019 г. | Обновлено до v 1.003.36461 | Добавлены DLC. Кто ранее скачал перехешируйтесь.
Update v1.003:
Fixed hangs and crashes occurring while the is starting up, i.e. before displaying the main menu.
Fixed a freeze that would occur for some users on the game loading screen.
Fixed a freeze that would occur for some users when loading a map.
Fixed an issue for players with remapped Documents folder that would prevent the game from saving data. E.g. settings, customized commanders, save games. Note that this includes a fix for language not being correctly set in-game when changing them through the Paradox Launcher.
In-game language selection dropdown now fits all core languages without the need of scrolling. This means you no longer need to scroll down for the simplified chinese option, preventing players missing the option.
Fixed a crash in Leave-6 - the first Vanguard - campaign during the Syndicate quest line, when taking a specific story branch - i.e. following her quest line.
Fixed an issue where the player was unable to buy the dwelling through peaceful means.
Fixed an issue resulting in lesser quality tutorial maps due to random map generation.
Fixed an issue for GoG users that caused false positive when checking for build compatibility in multiplayer games. This triggered warnings asking players to update their build before they could continue their game, when this was not required.
Fixed an issue where clicking on the “End Turn” event would not end the turn.
Fixed an issue where customization was not correctly applied in the Leave-6 - first vanguard - campaign map, after playing the tutorial. Note that this does mean that mods and experience gained in the tutorial map no longer carry over to the Leave-6 map. Jack(y) lost those in cryosleep, sorry.
‘Hide password protected games’ is now disabled by default in the multiplayer lobby.
Fixed an issue where the wrong custom commanders can be deleted, if custom commanders were ‘disabled’ due to disabling mods or DLC.
6 августа 2019 в 22:46 | Ответить
Всем доброго времени суток. На Win10 висла сразу после запуска, пока не включил в свойствах экзешника совместимость с Win7 и запуск от имени администратора.
6 августа 2019 в 22:14 | Ответить
xatab оставил комментарий у себя на сайте:
Игра проблемная. В стиме уже ругаются по не запуску игры и вылетам. Думаю будет много патчей
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